Precious Metal Leads

Hey everybody, my name is John Fisher, welcome to Let’s talk about precious metal leads. What is a precious metal lead? A precious metal is gold, silver, you don’t see too many people buying copper these days, platinum, platinum maybe, but let’s just say precious metals is gold silver. And what’s a precious metal lead? It’s a guy who buys gold and silver. How could somebody buy gold and silver? They could buy bullion, they could buy 100-ounce of gold, 5000-ounce of silver, 1 ounce of gold, 10 ounces of silver, whatever, it’s broken down in different ways.

The leads we sell are people that have bought billions through an IRA and then people that have bought numismatic coins. Now, numismatic coin is a metal coin that contains roughly 1-ounce but not only do you have to value, the intrinsic value of the precious metal itself, so in other words, let’s say an ounce of gold goes for $1200, this coin is a one-ounce gold coin, you make money on the actual intrinsic value but because it’s a numismatic coin, it’s got an additional value and it’s graded. So, depending on how old, how rare, how many coins were minted, there’s another value that’s added on top of that. So, you have people that just flat out by bullion, you look at the Wall Street Journal, it’s sitting at $1200 an ounce, you bought at $1100, you roughly made $100 an ounce, you have 10 ounces, you made $1000.

When you go to the numismatic coins, it’s different. Not only does it go up with the intrinsic value but the numismatic value continues to go up also. So, if you’re looking for precious metal leads, just be more specific, say “hey, I’m looking for IRA, I’m looking for bullion buyers or I’m looking for numismatic coin buyers” that’ll make our lives a lot easier.

If you have any questions call me, John Fisher: 561-981-8777. By the way, the price: $1 apiece, $1000 minimum we break them into four files of 250, we guarantee everything and we just connect wrong numbers, idiots two for one. Have a nice day.

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